CUNLA Who's that there that's rapping the door to me? Who's that there that's rapping the door to me? Who's that there that's rapping the door to me? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus: Cunla dear, don't come any nearer me Cunla dear, don't come any nearer me Cunla dear, don't come any nearer me Maybe I shouldn't', says Cunla Who's that there that's tapping the windowpane? Who's that there that's tapping the windowpane? Who's that there that's tapping the windowpane? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus, Who's that there that's climbing the stairs to me? Who's that there that's climbing the stairs to me? Who's that there that's climbing the stairs to me? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus, Who's that there that's raking the fire for me? Who's that there that's raking the fire for me? Who's that there that's raking the fire for me? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus, Who's that there that's pulling the blankets down? Who's that there that's pulling the blankets down? Who's that there that's pulling the blankets down? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus, Who's that there that's tickling the toes of me? Who's that there that's tickling the toes of me? Who's that there that's tickling the toes of me? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus, Who's that there that's climbing on top of me? Who's that there that's climbing on top of me? Who's that there that's climbing on top of me? 'Only myself', says Cunla Chorus, Cunla dear, don't come any nearer me Cunla dear, don't come any nearer me Cunla dear, don't come any nearer me Yea ra 'Maybe I shouldn't', says Cunla Это ирландская песня. Она исполняется в разном темпе, но, как правило, ее представляют как быструю плясовую песню. Кунла – это существо в ирландской мифологии, неопределенного пола, возраста и рода занятий, которое приходит к герою и начинает сначала стучать в дверь, окошко, потом поднимается по лесенке, стаскивает одеяло, щекочет пальцы ног, а в завершение всего карабкается на героя. При этом герой все время просит: “Кунла, дорогуша, не подходи ко мне ближе”, а Кунла отвечает: “Наверное, мне не следует этого делать” и продолжает дальше.